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Super Junior

hmm.. It doesn’t feel right if I don’t put them in my blog.. 🙂

Super Junior? a weird name? hhehe..

super junior is a boyband from korea, they already conquere Asia.. have asian tour twice.. with an awesome response.. X) their fans called E.L.F..

I can’t say much here, but there are 16 members of them in total:

1. leeteuk (Park Jung Soo)

2. Heechul (kim hee chul)

3. Hankyung (Han geng) -> chinese

4. Kang In (Kim Young Woon)

5. Shin Dong (Shin Dong Hee)

6. Lee Sung Min

7. Lee Hyuk Jae

8. Lee Dong Hae

9. Kim Ryeo Wook

10. Choi Si Won

11. Kim Ki Beom

12. Yesung (Kim Jong woon)

13. Cho Kyu Hyun

14. Henry Lau

15. Zhou Mi

16. E.L.F 🙂

won’t say much here for now.. coz I’m not in the mood..

my favorite member? guess. X)

love story

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I’m standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights
See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don’t go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I’ll be waiting all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story baby just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet ’cause we’re dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while

‘Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don’t go and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I’ll be waiting all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it’s real
Don’t be afraid, we’ll make it out of this mess
It’s a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said

Romeo save me I’ve been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don’t know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring

And said, marry me Juliet
You’ll never have to be alone
I love you and that’s all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It’s a love story baby just say yes

Oh, oh, oh, oh
‘Cause we were both young when I first saw you


this movie is GREAT. It made me forgot that I’m in the cinema. Think it is so real, according to the scientist’s prediction about the world’s end.  Although the ending is a little weird, but hey, let’s think if it’s not the UFO and weird creatures that came to take Caleb (the boy) and Abby (the girl), how if the one who came for them is GOD, and HOLY SPIRITS? came to destroy the world, that we all know it’s already sucks. with trash, global warming, criminal, and so on, and then give us a chance again, to continue the life of human being in this world. Like Noah has done, saved pairs of every creature to continue the life in this world.

Being chosen, is not a great think. Maybe it is a hard thing to do, living in a planet just the two of them. become ancestor for the next generations.  Sacrifice a lot in order to receive happiness in the end.

I really enjoy this movie anyway, and makes me scared too. hahaha.. how if, it is really happen? in 2012? scarry huh? may this movie could make the experts about these things create something that can save us, and may all of us realize that our single action could save the earth, at least, don’t get our ozon get thinner. We human, only can try, maybe there will be miracles, right? ^^

12 January 09-DUFAN!!

hri ini ada 2 event, 1 FKGUI08 ke DUFAN, 1 lagi, hari ini kith (koko faith:real name ruben) ulang taun


isi post ini akan di update kemudian karena kondisi penulis saat ini yang sudah begiu kecapaian.

tomorrow I’ll write, and I’ll give you some INTERESTING information 😀

waitt for mee!! ^^



jam 9 gw ngumpul di kampus, bingung! pada ngumpul mana sih! ditelponin pada ga angkat..!!

heran deh! huhuhuuww..

cari punya carii,, gw ktemu erer, anna, risely, aji, ama dini di dpan gimul.


tnyt pada di gizi


pas jalann


awalnya gerimis doank

dalem ati: ah, masi gerimis, gpp lah

*tmbh deres

ah masi sgini, gpp laahhh,, males kluarin payung

*deres bgt tiba”. BYURRR

anjrit! payuuunggg!!!

basah doloan

astaga naga,, ujan deress.. ampe ada aliran na gituu.. parah deh

mikir juga, duh, males ke dufan klo kayak gini caranya.. ntr rugi kl ksanaa.

mana ujan na deres, brenti, deres lagi, gerimis…



trus ditengah hujaaann

ngomongin film serem


aga ga make sense sih, tp kl dibayangin ya serem jugaaa >.<


udah gitu si risely pulang. ga jadi ikuttt

jam 10an kita brangkat dari FKG naek Trans Jakarta yang yahud itu


total yang ikut 34 orangg

sampe disana, beli tiket,, trus maen deh

maenan yang kita ‘jajah’

1. kora”/gajah beledug

2. power surge/ulet keket

3. tornado/diam

4. istabon

-makan di McD. ramenyaaaa.. ampun deh. ga dapet tempat lamaaa banget T_T

5. perang bintang

6. ontang anting

7. extreme log

8. halilintar

9. arung jeram

10. tornado/kora”

11. carousel



smwa na berhore hore


asik deh kmaren ntuh

apalagi arung jeram na

my fave! ❤

maen 2x gw

tadi na mo 3x

tapi males aaahh


kesenangan kemaren ga bisa diungkapkan deh

terlalu banyaakk


love u all my fwenzz



di berita diumumin gt kata na ancol banjir

tapi di dufan ga ujan ga apa tuh

terang” berawan aja

enak beud lah cuaca na

ga panas

ga ujan


pulang na naek busway lagi ampe UI..terus balik ama alvin ampe CL..

trus buka” FB,, n ktiduraann..




rate: wonderful day! 😀

11 January 09-Paragita,,MOI..

minggu kemaren, tgl 11 gue akhirnya PARAGITA lagi

ahh, kangennya bernyanyi. kemaren nyanyi na “BEATLES IN REVUE”

asik bangett deeehhh 😀

aku senaaannggg

bisa bernyanyi, menyiapkan buat konser,,

deg degan juga


ada tugas proposal juga

gw dapet kelompok 3, bikin proposal konser angkatan

kapan yah bisa ngumpul lagii?? huuummmm,,,

pulang dari paragita gw diculik ke MOI. ama bonyok. nyokap mau beli berlian apalah itu.lagi sale gila”an, harga na cm 300k… anting ama liontin gt. tapi mesti antri sampe JAM 7. yang bener ajaaaa

ini baru dateng jam 14.30. gmn bisa coba



akhirnya ga jadi deh

trus nyokap mule bete n gw mala excited ngeliat interior na yg bagus (BACA:LOBBY)

tapi begitu jalan”.. ada beberapa masalah di MOI

1. terlalu luas

2. WC jauhhhhhhhh

3. nempatin kios” na per blok, trus muter”, nutupin toko yang laen..

4. ada langit” yang tidak manusiawi. misal di food court.

padahal interior na bagus loh, tapi knp bgitu yaa

pdhl oke juga itu mall,, ada blitz naa..


yasuw yasuww,, abis itu makan terus pulang deehhhh



nb: karena ada yang salah paham dengan MOI diatas, disini saya gw kasi tau loo.. MOI=Mall of Indonesia.. bertempat di Gading… deket MAG.. MAG apalagi?? Mall Artha Gading 😀

copy copy copy..and mistake! :D

taken from forwarded email.

Happened only in Indonesia 😀

Enjoy your reading! hehehe

Buat bahan tersenyum atau tertawa di akhir minggu…… ……… .. yuuuukkkk ke ootoya

Menerka Kembali

Bila sudah tau jawabannya, hubungi saya.

Ketika Copet Kehilangan Rasa Percaya Dirinya

Dengan adanya pengumuman di depan toko ini, semoga mereka lekas sadar akan kekhilafannya yang lalu

(MIROTA Bang!!! Hehehe… Msh tsinggung?!

Ahhh 11 Januari….)

Seandainya.. . Aku Punya Sayaaaaap…

Kata Pak Satpamnya ketika sepatunya difoto “ini dulu waktu beli tulisannya masih EAGLE. sekarang jadi EAGEL. Bentar lagi bakalan jadi IGEL biar sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Lama2 ntar jadi NGIGEL nih mas, kan makin ngIndonesia lagi tuh…

Semua Orang Membuat Kesalahan

Bisa ataupun tidak nulis bahasa inggris, kalau sudah salah ya salah aja…

Crocodile Dandy

Buayanya sih mirip… Agak susah ya nyebut nama merek kaos polo ini..tenggorokan agak sedikit tersedak. Lasok-te…

Tatap Mata Saya!! Tatap Mata Saya!!!

Baru tau puma ternyata..Dia punya mata…Cihuy! (dan lihat kaki belakangnya, dia seperti macan yang terkena beri-beri)

Karena Noda Setitik… Rusak Susu Sebelanga

Perbedaannya cuma 1 huruf! TAPI FATALLL…(dan jangan lupa liat stiker Chanel kecil di kacanya/diatas labelnya. Sebenarnya ini kacamata merek apa sihhhhh?)

Kalo Dior Dano Gimana???

Ckckckc…. Kenapa kedua huruf depannya harus sama sih?

How Gaul Are You??

Konon, dalam rangka pelestarian budaya dan isu hak cipta, banyak para fashionista beralih ke batik dalam kesehariannya. Batik pun menjadi gaul…

Mari Kemari Hai Fara Fembaca

……fistafel. ….Ayo buang tisunya ke fistafeeeeeellll. …..jauh amat sama wastafel…

Homofon (Lagee..)

Sesungguhnya memang begitulah cara membacanya.

The ‘F’ Word

Maksudnya bukan

English Language Attack!!

Es copyor…. Intelek sekali!


Bukan cuma Loves, tapi jam Levi’s model ini hadir dengan nama-nama handal lainnya seperti Elvis, Lewis, On 1 dan sebagainya. Terlalu banyak..!

Pemaksaan Kehendak

Iye..iyee… tauk gak bakalan luntur…buset dah!


Tank….. harusnya.

Nokia s3 n d4l



Starbucks… .

Bagi yang kurang duit ato belum gajian…

Manis Sekali Restu Ibu Donut&Bakery

Selain logonya yang niru.. Sebenarnya nama toko donutnya apa siiih???

Kain Blasteran

Bapaknya arab, bunya cina.. Anaknya??

(Anaknya Abud!!! Wuakakakakkk! !!)

Bali Clothing Line
Agak mirip getoooh…. Sama merk motor itu tuh…

Bingung… Ini resto atau karaoke? Dan menunya… Stik golf kali ya?

(SOLO nDaarr!!! Kekekekekkkk)

Messenger Jeans
Ada wi-finya? Atau ada yang versi yahoo messenger?

Es Mabok
Teller? Bank kaleeeeeeeeee. …..

Ejaan Yang Baik dan Benar
So swit…. Ato so sweet? Ato so sweat? Ato so swiet? So swaet?

-tambah lagi deh… hihihi-

Korannya gan, Korannya…..
Di koran ini, judul adalah beritanya

Wuakakakakakakkkk. …

Another Little Mistake
O-o, kamu ketauan….

Some Weird English…
Gambar 1: you & me with u all everything (maksudnyaaa? ??)
Gambar 2: Just be myself yourself ourself (sebenarnya anda mau jadi siapa seh?)
Gambar 3: What you end tour life me (tour??)
Gambar 4: You know let’s dance together you want to (kamu tau mari menari bersama kamu mau)

So typical…
Vishiba, Sunny, Samsun , dsb. Terlalu banyak yang kaya gini! Terlalu!

iPOD-mu apa Don? Kepple?! Huehuehuehue. ..

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