What’s my name hidden meaning?

You Are Dreamy and Distracted

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are usually the best at everything … you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic “Type A” personality.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.
You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It’s easy to get you excited… which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don’t stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You’re always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can’t handle you. You’re very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you’re likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don’t appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are the total package – suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don’t always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don’t have as much going for them as you do.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you’re so lucky, you don’t really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You’re sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge – meaning you don’t spill secrets or spread gossip.
People sometimes think you’re snobby or aloof, but you’re just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don’t have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you’ll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don’t get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you’re too busy having fun to care.

source: here



zoom! ^^

click to enlarge 🙂




even the athlete wear this!!



Power Balance adalah sebuah alat keseimbangan yang dirancang untuk bekerja dengan body alami Anda.


Power Balance adalah favorit di antara para atlet elit yang berguna untuk Menyeimbangkan kekuatan dan fleksibilitas.
Tak sedikit artis dan atlet yang menggunakan alat ini.

(gw juga dah nyobain ke 30 orang secara random dan hasilnya 29 dari 30 orang itu merasakan kehebatannya)—>> neh jujur 


(PEMAHAMAN : kw super grade AAA ++ itu dirancang sedemikian rupa mengikuti aslinya bos bahkan fungsinya, bedanya dengan kw dibawahnya, kw dibawahnya itu hanya sekedar hiasan biasa bos/ga bekerja)

jadi intinya barang ini bekerja (dah dicoba sebanyak 30 orang teman saya dan dari 30 orang itu berhasil sedangkan seorangnya lagi ga tau kenapa tapi menurut gw tuh seorang lagi biar di kasih yg asli juga kayaknya ga bekerja deh :P)


– Yang 140rb itu edisi baru bos dengan detail yang lebih sempurna serta karet yang lebih kaku (kakunya dah hampir sama persis ori bos…^^)
– edisi baru itu (yg 140rb) diluar banyak yg bilang kalau itu ori bos… tapi di sini kita fair2an aja bos, kalau ori yah gw bilang ori sedangkan kalau kw yah gw bilang kw bos…^^
– fungsi antara yg edisi lama dan edisi baru tidak berbeda, bedanya hanya di fisiknya aja bos…
– yg 140rb ini dah susah banget dibedain sama yg ori bos…. (gw aja blum dapat perbedaan yg ori ma yg ini bos)~_~


KOK BISA SIH???*&&%^*^$
Semua tubuh pada dasarnya adalah seperangkat proses elektro kimia yang kompleks, serangkaian bahan kimia organik menghasilkan energi elektro-magnetik.

Setiap kali Anda menarik dan menghembuskan napas, jantung anda berdetak, otak anda berpikir, lengan dan kaki bergerak, serangkaian impuls listrik bergerak dan mengalir ke seluruh tubuh.

Vitalitas kondisi kita tergantung pada pertukaran secara efisien dan adanya keseimbangan antara muatan ion positif dan

Dalam sejarah medis dan penelitian ilmiah mendokumentasikan gaya listrik yang bekerja di dalam tubuh dan pengaruh faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal terhadap pemindahan efisien elektro-kimia pertukaran.

Mereka menyimpulkan bahwa manusia adalah “baterai” yang sangat efisien dalam kondisi yang paling murni dan sangat rapuh. Kedua faktor internal seperti stres, penyakit dan cedera serta faktor-faktor eksternal seperti kedekatan dengan alam yang memiliki muatan gaya listrik dapat mengganggu proses ini.

Frekuensi manusia yang ideal, yang disebut beresonansi Schumann Frekuensi (SRF), adalah sekitar 7,8 hertz.


Ketika kekuatan Hologram dalam POWER BALANCE kontak dengan tubuh anda, maka akan segera beresonansi, menciptakan lingkaran harmoni yang mengoptimalkan bidang energi anda dan mempertahankan aliran energi maksimum dalam tubuh anda.

IT WORKS TO ME 🙂 Tidur jadi lebih nyenyak and uda tes diri sendiri buat buktiin khasiatnya 😀

Manfaat yang jelas:
1. Lebih cepat respon sinaptik (fungsi otak)
2. Meningkatkan respon otot (baik cepat dan lambat berkedut jaringan)
3. Meningkatkan stamina (penyerapan oksigen lebih baik)
4. Meningkatkan fleksibilitas tubuh
5. Keseimbangan tubuh akan jauh lebih baik

S : 17.5 cm
M : 19.0 cm
L : 20.5 cm


Nah sekarang harganyaa neehh.. :DDD

NEW EDITION : Rp. 140.000,-

(exclude shipping fee)

‎​Update Warna Yang Tersedia Tanggal 31/08/2010 :
– Hitam Tulisan Putih ( M,S,XS )
– Hitam Tulisan Hitam ( M,S,XS )
– Hitam Tulisan Kuning ( M,S,XS )
– Putih Tulisan Hitam ( M,S )
– Putih Tulisan Putih ( M,S )
– Coklat Tua Tulisan Putih ( M,XS )
– Coklat Muda Tulisan Putih ( XS )
– Biru Tua Tulisan Putih ( S )
– Biru Navi Tulisan Putih ( )
– Biru Muda Tulisan Putih ( M,XS )
– Biru Dekil Tulisan Putih ( M ) —> gambar nyusul
– Kuning Tulisan Hitam ( S,XS )
– kuning Tulisan Putih ( S )
– Merah Tulisan Putih ( M,S,XS )
– Pink Tulisan Putih ( S )
– Ungu Tulisan Putih ( S )
– Bening Tulisan Hitam ( M )
– Bening Tulisan Ungu ( M,S )
– Bening Tulisan Ungu Muda ( KOSONG )
– Bening Tulisan Putih ( M,S,XS )
– Hijau Muda Tulisan Putih ( S )

cara pemesanan :

1. comment here

2. message lophe_luph@hotmail.com (Facebook)

3. sms ke 0817816690 (Nadia)


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Super Junior

hmm.. It doesn’t feel right if I don’t put them in my blog.. 🙂

Super Junior? a weird name? hhehe..

super junior is a boyband from korea, they already conquere Asia.. have asian tour twice.. with an awesome response.. X) their fans called E.L.F..

I can’t say much here, but there are 16 members of them in total:

1. leeteuk (Park Jung Soo)

2. Heechul (kim hee chul)

3. Hankyung (Han geng) -> chinese

4. Kang In (Kim Young Woon)

5. Shin Dong (Shin Dong Hee)

6. Lee Sung Min

7. Lee Hyuk Jae

8. Lee Dong Hae

9. Kim Ryeo Wook

10. Choi Si Won

11. Kim Ki Beom

12. Yesung (Kim Jong woon)

13. Cho Kyu Hyun

14. Henry Lau

15. Zhou Mi

16. E.L.F 🙂

won’t say much here for now.. coz I’m not in the mood..

my favorite member? guess. X)

love story

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I’m standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights
See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don’t go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I’ll be waiting all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story baby just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet ’cause we’re dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while

‘Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don’t go and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I’ll be waiting all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it’s real
Don’t be afraid, we’ll make it out of this mess
It’s a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said

Romeo save me I’ve been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don’t know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring

And said, marry me Juliet
You’ll never have to be alone
I love you and that’s all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It’s a love story baby just say yes

Oh, oh, oh, oh
‘Cause we were both young when I first saw you


this movie is GREAT. It made me forgot that I’m in the cinema. Think it is so real, according to the scientist’s prediction about the world’s end.  Although the ending is a little weird, but hey, let’s think if it’s not the UFO and weird creatures that came to take Caleb (the boy) and Abby (the girl), how if the one who came for them is GOD, and HOLY SPIRITS? came to destroy the world, that we all know it’s already sucks. with trash, global warming, criminal, and so on, and then give us a chance again, to continue the life of human being in this world. Like Noah has done, saved pairs of every creature to continue the life in this world.

Being chosen, is not a great think. Maybe it is a hard thing to do, living in a planet just the two of them. become ancestor for the next generations.  Sacrifice a lot in order to receive happiness in the end.

I really enjoy this movie anyway, and makes me scared too. hahaha.. how if, it is really happen? in 2012? scarry huh? may this movie could make the experts about these things create something that can save us, and may all of us realize that our single action could save the earth, at least, don’t get our ozon get thinner. We human, only can try, maybe there will be miracles, right? ^^

The Cullens fever

I can’t say that I am at Twilight Fever, coz it’s not only twilight.


Everything about the Cullens life.

yesterday, I brought Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, and also Twilight:The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion.

YEEY!! I’ve been waiting these books arrival for a long time!

after Twilight movie is on air, the books about it just ZAP! it’s REALLY FAST! Everyone so freak with these series! And now I have it! I can read it! HOORAAYY!!!

Why Cullens life? Why not Harry Potter’s or someone else?

I don’t know, Twilight world ROCKS in my mind, that beautiful world. Twilight seems have change me a little. I don’t know, I become a dreamer. Is this bad/good? DON’T KNOW, but I know that I enjoy it so much.

beautiful world huh? which one is the beautiful part? the LOVE? the MAGIC? the VAMPIRES? no. It is THE WORLD. means everything. The love, the magic, the vampires, the town, the situation, everything. even I love the dangerous. As I wrote in my first blog, I desire an extraordinary world. Maybe that world is just like the world in Twilight. Tempting. Loving. Natural. But also, dangerous. Challenging. Am I weird? of course I am. who wants to be in danger after all?

impressive. In Facebook, there are many people join a group “I don’t care become a vampire if Edward Cullen the one who bites me” Well, silly huh? Stupid thing. But yes, they join that group just because they love Edward Cullen, I think. Honestly, I do love him. I love him in the book even more than Rob Pattinson. But yea, I do love Pattinson too. He played Edward Cullen greatly.But when I join this group, 1st thing that comes to my mind “I think become a vampire is fun”

You have forever. Just like Twilight’s quote “when you can live forever, what do you live for?” well, I could say that when I could live forever I’ll do the same like Bella did. Loving someone. It’s a beautiful thing to do, pure from heart.

Twilight’s world. Where you can see natural view. Jumping, running, to see the beauty of the earth. I remember the lake that is so huge in this film. I wanna go there. I love scenery like that. The mountains, the fog. Even the trees. I love the Cullens’ house too. It is simple, unique, I imagine I could inhale fresh air there. chill.

Of course, I know it is only a fiction. My friends says that I’m geek, and I’m doing stupid thing to love something that you know clearly only a fiction. I DON’T CARE. Hey pals, do u know it is hard to find happiness. When you have happiness, do you like to be disturbed? do you mind if your happiness get bully by people? The answer is obvious. Happiness I found in Twilight. Calm..

Reading these series makes me jump into a world that I dreamed of. A perfect love, synchronizing with very dangerous thing. Passion. It’s fascinating me.

Bella Cullen is a clumsy girl. well, so do I. will I found my  Edward Cullen? or have I found him? ^^

There are words that makes me fall in love with these series (from books and movie)

1. “Does in my world” – I want to be in your world. I want to feel that happiness too.

2. “I don’t think I still have enough strength to be far away from you” – well, this is how love supposed to be.

3. “If I could dream, I must be dreaming of you” – *blush*

Maybe this writing order is a mess. Well, I’m sorry. beside I’m not very good at English, especially in grammar, when I wrote this I imagine things. I want to be in an EXTRAORDINARY WORLD like that. My dream world. a happy yet dangerous and challenging. It would be nice if I could have it. Not become a vampire, just, Happy life. but dangerous. tempting. challenging. Happy life that human could have.

I will always be in love with Twilight’s world 🙂

eclipse, illustrated movie companion, breaking dawn

eclipse, illustrated movie companion, breaking dawn

Morning Banana Diet

This video tells us about Morning banana diet, a famous diet way that start from Japan.  You can see how to do it in that video, and oh yeah, 1 raw there means 2 bananas

In my searching, there are 2 kinds, one which is support this diet, and show proves (people who loss many pounds) and one which says this diet is dangerous

Banana Nutrition Facts

1 raw medium banana
7-1/2 inches, 120 grams

Nutrient Value
Calories 105
Total Fat 0.4 g
Saturated Fat 0.1 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 1.2 mg
Total Carbs 27 g
Dietary Fiber 3.1 g
Sugars 14.4 g
Protein 1.3 g
Vitamin A 75.5 IU
Vitamin C 10.3 mg
Vitamin B6 0.4 mg
Calcium 5.9 mg
Iron 0.3 mg
Potassium 420 mg
Manganese 0.3 mg
Water 90 g

These are some of the web that I’ve surf.

http://morningbananadiet.com/ = SUPPORT

http://morningbananadiet.org/ = HARM

well, the choice are yours. 😀 😀

actually, I’ve tried this morning banana diet for 3 days, and I found myself loss 2 kilograms, and my metabolism become better. I eat 2 bananas in the morning, but considering the dangerous for gastrointestinal, after I eat bananas, I drink milk, or eat bread. I eat lunch normally, did not get very full, and eat sweets each day.

I think I’ll try this diet for 2 weeks. 😀

How to Be screening [session 3:January 15th 2009]



Today I watch “How To Be”  screening at Kinokuniya bookstore, Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia.

This event was held from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM. I arrive at Kinokuniya bookstore at 3:00 PM because I want to get the merchandise, which is come to be a pin and a pen.

It was so freezing there, luckily, I brought cardigan, but I still feel cold. The screening opened by Shanna and Kinokuniya bookstore staff, and while we are waiting for 5:00 PM, they play high quality trailers of coming movie.

This screening is the first time in Asia. Before us, America already showed this indie movie.

This Movie comes with the effort from Oliver Irving as Director, and Justin Kelly as producer. From 2005, and until 2007 this movie has been developed  with a very low budget, under $1,000,000.

in early 2008, this movie got several awards from Austin film festival, Gotham New York Int’l film festival, and so on.

The Casts of this movie are:

Arthur; Art (Robert Pattinson): The main character of this movie. Trying to get himself “normal” and adore for the love from his parents which are always busy. Weird, and disgusting. His passion is about guitar.

Art’s mother (Rebecca Pidgeon): Mother from Art, which is always busy and never show her care for her only son. always wonder about his son.

Art’s Father (Unknown): Less talk in this film, loves to read, and always busy too (well, this is always be his excuse).

Dr. Levi Ellington (Powell Jones): An author from  a book titled ‘It’s not your fault’ that is being Art’s guide to be ‘normal’, a self-help guru that came to help Art from Canada.                      nb:  Powell Jones dead in 2007.

Ronny: Art’s best friend, that help Art so much in his music interest. He is not outgoing.

Nikki: Art’s new friend which is a great womanizer. Full of trick to get women. Gave Art some fun things in Music and in night life.

synopsis (from me)

Art is a young adult, who is in his quarter-life crisis. He is trying to find his ‘comfort zone’ which is he feels guitar. music. But it is not easy. He create song, and people didn’t love it. His parents are expecting more from him, a real job. In other side, he wants to be loved by his parents. Wants to show that he can do it, and he is ‘Normal’ after all. He got dumped too by his girlfriend, and he is trying to get her back with a lie which is not successful. He got very depressed with all problems that came to him, and he search a book of psychology, and he found ‘It’s not your fault’ which is become his life guide book. Things get worse, he use his uncle’s money to pay Dr. Levi Ellington to come visit him and help him. Things are not getting better too. He lost his job, get drunk, getting more depressed with things. Until one day he decided to tell his  parents, loudly, berserk, depressed. He left home, get drunk again. He never knew what Dr. Ellington and his parents talk at night after he goes. Apparently, his parents are also have traumatic childhood like him (in this film, he got forced to burn his boy’s toys when he was 6 years old). In the end, he decided to continue his guitar hobby, make music with his best friend Ronny and Nikki, andfinally, his song be loved by his listeners with helps from his friends.

My Comments

1. Wow. this movie is for real. It looks real. Maybe this matter happen to many people, but introvertly.

2. The actors and actress playing great!

3. For Rob Pattinson, he plays really different than in ‘Twilight’. In this film, his acting skill really shows, and for playing greatly in a very different character is a very very great job!

4. Touchy!

5. Even it made in a very low budget, the result is well.

6. The way his mother treat him, really makes me sad. She said “Arthur, I wonder about you sometimes” for 4 times in this film, and I feels very sad for Art.  I know how it feels. And when she says she feels guilty for having a child like Art, It stabbed me. I feel so sad. But well, this is my favorite scene. When the truth and emotion reveals. When he finally got courage to tell his parents how he feels.


1. This movie maybe will be made in DVDs and Cinema (maybe only in America)

2. This is Oliver and Justin first movie, so they will love to hear the comments of this film 🙂

3. Powell Jones (Dr. Levi Ellington) has died in 2007.

Thanks to

-Themoviefanatics, Twilight Indonesia, and Kinokuniya bookstore, so this event can be enjoyed by us

-Shanna Murady who has subtitled this film for about 2 weeks.

-Anna and JCK, my friends who have come along with me, watching this film 😀

source: http://www.howtobemovie.com/, Shanna Murady


sometimes we all need a little help

12 January 09-DUFAN!!

hri ini ada 2 event, 1 FKGUI08 ke DUFAN, 1 lagi, hari ini kith (koko faith:real name ruben) ulang taun


isi post ini akan di update kemudian karena kondisi penulis saat ini yang sudah begiu kecapaian.

tomorrow I’ll write, and I’ll give you some INTERESTING information 😀

waitt for mee!! ^^



jam 9 gw ngumpul di kampus, bingung! pada ngumpul mana sih! ditelponin pada ga angkat..!!

heran deh! huhuhuuww..

cari punya carii,, gw ktemu erer, anna, risely, aji, ama dini di dpan gimul.


tnyt pada di gizi


pas jalann


awalnya gerimis doank

dalem ati: ah, masi gerimis, gpp lah

*tmbh deres

ah masi sgini, gpp laahhh,, males kluarin payung

*deres bgt tiba”. BYURRR

anjrit! payuuunggg!!!

basah doloan

astaga naga,, ujan deress.. ampe ada aliran na gituu.. parah deh

mikir juga, duh, males ke dufan klo kayak gini caranya.. ntr rugi kl ksanaa.

mana ujan na deres, brenti, deres lagi, gerimis…



trus ditengah hujaaann

ngomongin film serem


aga ga make sense sih, tp kl dibayangin ya serem jugaaa >.<


udah gitu si risely pulang. ga jadi ikuttt

jam 10an kita brangkat dari FKG naek Trans Jakarta yang yahud itu


total yang ikut 34 orangg

sampe disana, beli tiket,, trus maen deh

maenan yang kita ‘jajah’

1. kora”/gajah beledug

2. power surge/ulet keket

3. tornado/diam

4. istabon

-makan di McD. ramenyaaaa.. ampun deh. ga dapet tempat lamaaa banget T_T

5. perang bintang

6. ontang anting

7. extreme log

8. halilintar

9. arung jeram

10. tornado/kora”

11. carousel



smwa na berhore hore


asik deh kmaren ntuh

apalagi arung jeram na

my fave! ❤

maen 2x gw

tadi na mo 3x

tapi males aaahh


kesenangan kemaren ga bisa diungkapkan deh

terlalu banyaakk


love u all my fwenzz



di berita diumumin gt kata na ancol banjir

tapi di dufan ga ujan ga apa tuh

terang” berawan aja

enak beud lah cuaca na

ga panas

ga ujan


pulang na naek busway lagi ampe UI..terus balik ama alvin ampe CL..

trus buka” FB,, n ktiduraann..




rate: wonderful day! 😀

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